Category: Clinical

What is the Right Dose for Patients: An Introduction for Laymen

What is the right dose for patients

Introduction In my role as a consultant and in conversations with individuals who have limited experience in clinical drug development, I often find that there is some confusion between the terms “dose” and “exposure” (the plasma or local concentration of a drug). While these terms are related, they refer to distinct concepts, and understanding the continue reading…

How to Prepare Paediatric Investigational Plans (PIPs) for ATMPs: Key Clinical Science Insights

Paediatric clinical development considerations for ATMPs

Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products (ATMPs)—which include gene therapies, cell therapies, and tissue-engineered products — represent a new frontier in medicine, particularly in addressing serious and life-threatening conditions. To ensure that these innovative therapies are safe and effective for children, the preparation of Paediatric Investigational Plans (PIPs) is crucial. Under Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006, [1] continue reading…

Patient-Driven Drug Development: Does Patient Involvement Truly Improve the Success Rates of New Treatments?

In recent years, the biotechnology industry has seen a transformative shift towards patient-driven drug development. At 3D-PharmXchange, we have experienced firsthand the impact that patient involvement can have on the development of new therapies. It has already been well described that patients bring a unique perspective that often reshapes the design of clinical trials. Their continue reading…

Unleashing the Power of Drug Repurposing

Drug repurposing, also called drug repositioning, reprofiling or retasking, is the process of identifying a new use for an existing medicine/active substance outside the scope of the original indication(s). It includes new therapeutic uses for existing medicines, different formulations of the same medicine, and/or creating new combinations of medicines or medicines with medical devices[1]. Drug continue reading…

Cell Therapy: Towards a First-in-Human Trial

Steven Braem

The proof-of-concept studies have shown promising results and bring a therapy a step closer to the clinic. But what is needed before this therapy can show its efficacy in a clinical trial? Cell therapy is a promising treatment, but its development is challenging due to its complex technology and the regulatory framework in which it continue reading…